About Me

About Me

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What's New Page

How To Reach Me

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Guest Book

All about me. I'm 22 and I have a one year old daughter. I'm half in the Army and half in the Civilian world. I've been off active duty for about a year now. Anyway, I live in a small town, but it's not too bad. Keep a lookout for more stuff!

The History or Story Behind My Site
Okay, like I really have a long extensive history! I keep creating websites and then they get filled with lots of files and I can't keep track of them anymore so I start anew. This time, I decided to try 20m...just because. A new community is always nice.

I have lots and lots of friends, both in my town and on the net. Maybe you've seen them before? If you wanna chat with me, my AIM is Nikolayvna.

Links to Other Sites
My Links